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Commission staff provide a variety of services, primarily to local and county governments in support of their various planning efforts.

Services We Offer

You can find information on the services we provide in our current service fee schedule. The items below are a sample of the services we provide to the Region.


line art of a person standing next to a traffic light


CommuteWISE is a program managed by the Commission that encourages a shift from drive-alone commuting to cost-effective and sustainable options.

line art of surveying tools above a peice of paper

County Surveying

The Commission has long recognized the need for accurate base data layers and currently provides county surveyor services for most Southeastern Wisconsin counties.

Line drawing of a swamp with a rock and small plants

Environmental Fieldwork

The Commission is frequently asked to conduct comprehensive field inspections to identify, evaluate, and delineate wetlands, environmental corridors, natural areas, and critical species habitats.

line art of three books in a row - one book is leaning on another

Plan Review

Commission staff is available to provide data, information, and advice on a range of planning-related topics facing communities in Southeastern Wisconsin.

line art of a bus at a bus stop sign

Transportation Services

At the request of State, county, and local communities, the Commission provides data collection and transportation planning and engineering support.