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Land & Water Resource Management Planning

The Commission assists counties with preparing and updating land and water resource management plans.

Land and Water Resource Management Planning

The State requires all counties to have a land and water resource management plan (LWRMP) that has been approved by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). The LWRMP is a long-range planning document intended to guide the activities of county land and water management departments in their efforts to protect and improve land and water resources. The State also requires each county to update its LWRMP every five years to remain eligible for conservation staff funding and cost-share grants.


Planning Process

Each locally led planning process is intended to address the county’s unique natural resources, identify problems associated with the resource base, and establish a plan to help protect and restore those resources. The plans also focus on State nonpoint source pollution performance standards related to agriculture and urban development.

A goal of the plan development process is to encourage innovative programming and leadership and to build local support. The plans identify natural resources and their current condition and limitations, then present a strategy that addresses natural resource issues. They also provide a means to educate the public about these issues and include residents in the steps necessary to protect the natural resource base.


Current LWRMPs

The Commission has continuously assisted Southeastern Wisconsin counties in preparing or updating their LWRMPs since the plans became a State requirement in 1997. Most recently, staff prepared plan updates for Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties. For other counties, staff has served on county-led committees that guided their plan updates.