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Local Planning

Since it was created in 1960, the Commission has assisted county and local governments with a wide range of plans and studies related to land use, parks, transportation, natural resources, and other important topics.

Local Planning Efforts

The Commission’s various local planning assistance promotes coordination between regional and local plans, helps county and local governments implement plans, and encourages the sound physical development of the Region. Services are available to all county and local governments that participate in and financially support the regional planning program.


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Comprehensive Planning

The Commission has been helping counties and communities prepare and update comprehensive plans since the State passed the “Smart Growth” law in 1999.

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Farmland Preservation Planning

Commission staff aid in efforts to preserve lands with our most productive soils so they may continue to support agricultural uses.

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Land & Water Resource Management Planning

The Commission assists counties with preparing and updating land and water resource management plans.

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Local Park & Open Space Planning

The Commission aids local governments in preparing and updating community park and open space plans that support implementation of the Regional Park and Open Space Plan.

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Sanitary Sewer Service Area Planning

As part of its regional water quality management planning function, the Commission works with local wastewater treatment plant management agencies and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to prepare and update local sewer service area plans.

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Transportation Planning

Through its role as the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Commission is continually engaged in multimodal transportation planning, working cooperatively with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, transit operators, and county and local units of government.