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Info & Data

Our partners across Southeastern Wisconsin regularly look to the Commission as a resource for accurate data and objective information to assist in planning and decision making.

Info & Data

Numerous sources of data and other useful information can be accessed through this page. Please contact us for assistance in accessing or interpreting these data and information, or to request additional data and information.


Line drawing of a swamp with a rock and small plants

ADID Wetlands

The Commission provides technical assistance to federal and State agencies in preparing maps of wetland areas deemed inappropriate for the disposal of fill and dredged materials.

Line drawing of a cloud with wind blowing

Air Quality

The Commission has long worked to address air management issues, with a specific focus on ensuring that Commission transportation plans and programs “conform” to air quality standards.

Line drawing of a shovel and dirt


The Commission supports efforts to clean up and redevelop brownfield sites, including participating in the Wisconsin Brownfields Coalition.

Line art of a globe with skyscrapers on top of the globe

Climate Change

Climate change is a significant topic closely followed by the Commission that influences multiple aspects of the Commission’s planning work.

Icon of a building on square land with two trees


An important role the Commission plays is providing data on the Region’s population to practitioners as they conduct their planning and decision-making processes.

line art of a planter with a plant growing out of it. A coin is at the top of the plant

Economic Modeling

Through a partnership with WEDC, the Commission can access and share local employment and industry data available through Lightcast (formerly EMSI).

Line art of a village

Land Use Data

An important role the Commission plays is maintaining a current inventory of the Region’s land use that practitioners can use as they conduct their planning and decision-making processes.

line art of a map with pins in the map


The Commission’s Interactive Mapping Application provides data essential to the planning process.

line art of a bicycle

Non-Motorized Count Program

The Commission operates a program that collects count data for non-motorized modes, such as bicycle and pedestrian travel, and reports the data through an interactive website.

line art of a planter with a three leaf plant growing of it

Plant Identification Guides

Commission staff prepares information to assist in identifying plants in the field, including wetland vegetation.

line art of three books in a row - one book is leaning on another

Publication Search

Search the Commission’s database of current and historical publications.

Line drawing of a paper report with a magnifying glass over the paper

Regional Performance Monitoring

The Commission's home for data related to socioeconomic trends, land use activity, and transportation system performance.

line are of buildings, windmill, and a shining sun

Zoning & Ordinances

The Commission prepares planning guides, model ordinances, and other materials to assist county and local governments as they prepare plans and implementing ordinances.