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Regional Planning

The Commission, as the areawide planning agency for Southeastern Wisconsin, is responsible for making and adopting a master plan for the physical development of the Region, including the use of land and supporting transportation and utility facilities. To accomplish this, the Commission prepares individual plan elements that together comprise the Region’s comprehensive plan.

Current Regional Plans

Each regional plan element below is intended to address an identified areawide developmental or environmental problem. The individual elements are coordinated through an areawide land use plan, which is currently presented in VISION 2050.


Line art of a globe with skyscrapers on top of the globe


VISION 2050 is Southeastern Wisconsin’s long-range land use and transportation plan.

line art of a city with trees and a road in front of the city


The Regional Housing Plan contains 50 recommendations to support decent and affordable housing for all residents of Southeastern Wisconsin.

line art of three tall plants growing on a farm

Natural Areas

The Regional Natural Areas Plan seeks to identify and protect what remains of the Region’s landscape as it existed pre-European settlement and identifies other areas vital to maintaining endangered, threatened, and rare plant and animal species.

line art of a hand with a large water droplet above the hand

Water Quality

The Regional Water Quality Management Plan provides for sound watershed planning and preservation and was designed to make the Region's waters “fishable and swimmable” to the extent practical.

line art of a water drop

Water Supply

The Regional Water Supply Plan identifies appropriate sources of water supply to meet projected water demands in Southeastern Wisconsin by 2035.

Line drawing of a paper report with a magnifying glass over the paper

Chloride Study

The Regional Chloride Impact Study is analyzing the environmental impacts of chloride (salt) on the Region’s surface water and groundwater resources.

line art of a three plants growing in different stages - the right most plant has a coin for a flower

Economic Development Strategy

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Southeastern Wisconsin is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development prepared collaboratively with the Milwaukee 7 Regional Economic Development Partnership.


Other Major Regional Efforts

line art of a map with pins in the map

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP is a listing of all transportation improvement projects proposed to be carried out in Southeastern Wisconsin by State and local governments over the next four years.