STP-M Program
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Surface Transportation Block Grant program (STP) provides flexible funding that may be used by States and localities for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any federal-aid highway, bridge, and tunnel projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals.
Within transportation management areas (TMA)—urban areas >200,000 population—federal law provides a dedicated suballocation of funding to the Milwaukee Urbanized Area and directs the Commission, as the Milwaukee MPO, to lead the selection of projects to utilize those funds. The STP-M project prioritization and selection process is guided by the Milwaukee TIP Committee.
Funding Eligibility
The Milwaukee TIP Committee recommends that only projects located on streets and highways under County and local government jurisdiction identified as arterials in the adopted regional transportation and county jurisdictional highway system plans and transit capital projects should be considered for STP-M funding within the Milwaukee Urbanized Area.
Recap of the FFY 2028-2029 STP-M Selection Process
The State’s application period for STP-M funding for federal fiscal years 2028 and 2029 closed on October 27, 2023. Commission staff reviewed and prepared a preliminary projected prioritization based on the criteria established by the Milwaukee TIP Committee. This initial set of recommended projects was reviewed and considered, and a recommendation for project awards was made, by the Committee at its March 4, 2024, meeting.
Next Application Period
The next project solicitation for FFY 2030 and 2031 STP-M funding is expected to occur in 2025. Information will be provided here and on the WisDOT STP page as it becomes available.