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An important role the Commission plays is providing data on the Region’s population to practitioners as they conduct their planning and decision-making processes.

Demographic Data

From quick Census data requests to more in-depth analyses, Commission staff frequently help communities and other local partners obtain the data they need to make sound decisions. This page contains data on the Region’s population from some of the most common sources we get asked about. Contact us with questions or to request specific demographic data not provided below.


Common Data Sources

The Commission maintains a database of existing and projected population, households, and jobs that can be provided upon request. Below are a few common sources that contribute to that database:

U.S. Census Bureau
Access data from the U.S. Census Bureau from the decennial census, American Community Survey, and other census products. Data queries can include a range of geographic areas, time periods, and topics.

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports annual data on many economic measures, including gross domestic product, personal income, and jobs by industry at the state, metropolitan area, and county level.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides several measures of labor market activity, productivity, and price changes, including detailed monthly and annual consumer price index calculations.

Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center
The Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center develops annual estimates and future projections of population and households for counties and municipalities throughout the State.

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development provides a query tool for data on jobs, unemployment rates, wages, and other characteristics of the economy.


Census Population and Household Counts

Tables presenting select data from the 2020 Census and previous censuses for counties and communities in the Region:

2020 Census Profiles

Profiles presenting general population and housing characteristics from the 2020 Census:

United States

State of Wisconsin



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Population and Economic Forecasts

An essential step in the regional planning process is projecting population, household, and employment growth. These projections consider factors largely beyond the influence of the planning process and serve as the basis for forecasts that anticipate the future needs for resources, land use, and travel.

Population and economic forecasts to the year 2050 were initially developed in 2013 to be used to prepare VISION 2050, the regional land use and transportation plan. Information on the demographic and economic studies are documented in two technical reports: The Economy of Southeastern Wisconsin and The Population of Southeastern Wisconsin. The most recent forecasts can be found in VISION 2050 and will be updated again as part of the next major update to the regional land use and transportation plan.